Big Brother Gus

Aug 23, 2011 | 0 comments

So I’ve decided I really want my parents to get me another sibling. Sometimes it gets so lonely after my friends go home and it would be REALLY nice to have a playmate 24/7!  My parents tried to explain to me that a new puppy is a lot of work and could be very disruptive to my daily routine but I don’t care! In attempt to give me a reality check my parents brought home one of the newest Paw Pack puppies to stay with us. He looks exactly like me but on a smaller scale and acts just like I did as a young pup. This is going to be great I thought.  I can show him all my favorite spots, teach him some cool wrestling moves and basically get him to do whatever I want him to do! Reality set in however, around midnight last night when the fun hadn’t stopped for him and he still wanted to play. I, however, was well past my bedtime and in need of some serious rest and relaxation! After a sleepless night I begged my mom for the morning off work to catch up on my sleep and assess my pseudo little brother. I love the little rascal but the incessant ear pulling, using me as a doggie jungle gym and stage 5 clinger tendencies is a lot to handle at my age! I tried to complain but they simply remind me that he’s a puppy, he looks up to me and wants to be just like me. They also point out that I was the same way when I was his age, which I find hard to believe! I suppose it’s not so bad when he’s tired and curled up next to me in a cute puppy power curl but I think I’d be happiest enrolling in a Big Brother-Little Brother program where the puppies come to visit during the day and I get my bed to myself at night!

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