Embarrassing Moments

Jul 6, 2011 | 0 comments

Have you ever had one of those days when you completely embarrass yourself in front of your friends? Here I was showing off my running skills at the park. I’m running top speed through the woods, stick in my mouth, wind whipping through my fur and my friends desperately trying to keep up. I casually glanced back to taunt them and then all of a sudden I see it a second too late…the tree root came out of nowhere and I found myself fly through the air completing a somersault and a half and then landing with a thud behind a tree. I laid there for a few seconds hoping that no one saw my spill. Then I casually got up, looked both ways and trotted back to the trail as if nothing happened. It appeared as though I was in the clear until my mom started pulling out all the leaves and sticks that were stuck in my collar…oh the horror!! I tried to not to let it ruin my field trip despite my friends giving me a hard time about it. My fall was old news by the end of the trip.  One of my friends succeeded in having his own embarrassing moment and everyone forgot about my fall and teased him!  Moral of the story…everyone has embarrassing moments; learn to embrace each of them and not hide behind trees!

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