Winter Weight

Mar 22, 2011 | 0 comments

I think I need to go on a diet. My collar started feeling kind of snug last week but I didn’t think much of it; I mean collars shrink from time to time right?? Then I overheard the ladies at the grooming place call me “Gus-Bus.” Wow, really?? Then my worst fears were confirmed when I had to get weighed at the vet the other day. I clocked in at a whopping 103 lbs.  Apparently I’ve graduated from a short bus to a Greyhound!  Time to get motivated…only 3 more months until swim season!! I’ve tried Weight Watchers in the past but honestly I felt a little awkward being the only male in my weekly meetings. Tracking food consumption is very tough; I mean who really counts all of their food pellets?? Sometimes I throw a mouthful of food on the floor and estimate the points but then I get so hungry I just end up gobbling them up without counting…I definitely lose track of my daily “BLT’s” though (bites, licks, tastes). My mom has even been cutting back on my rawhide bones and dog treats; now I get puppy treats…half the size and definitely not as fun. I think I’ll have to talk with my pack and see about upping the ante on our trail hikes. That should do the trick since I cannot give up food! Ok enough of this diet talk…I’ll start on Monday…time for a snack!

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